Automatic Call Recorder Android App Download

Automatic Call Recorder

Automatic Call Recorder

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Automatic Call Recorder

Automatic Call Recorder

Automatic Call Recorder

Automatic Call Recorder

App Description:

Auto Call Recorder
Save any phone you want and select the calls you want to save is called . Your phone calls are recorded and can set are ignored . Add and share notes , listen to the recording . Integration with Dropbox saved with phone calls and allows to sync in the cloud .
Call recording does not work on some devices, note that low- quality recording can result . So we paid app to free version before purchasing is advised .
If you have problems recording , try to be a different audio source , or use speaker mode to auto .
Recorded calls are stored in the Inbox . On an external SD card along with your recording can change the destination folder . You can adjust the size of your inbox . The number of calls to be only limited by the memory of your device .
A conversation is important that you choose , save and record calls him a file will be saved . Fill the Inbox as new calls Alternatively, older recordings will be automatically deleted .
To call you a call immediately after menu to display a summary of the options you can enable .

App Features:

Records of contacts , phone numbers, or notes Search .
For automatic registration are three basic settings :
All records ( default) - This is a pre- selected set of contacts to ignore all calls recorded .
All Ignore - This parameter will be registered in addition to the previously selected contact , record any phone calls .
Ignore contacts - Select this setting with the exception of pre- registered should contact , contacts with people who are not record all calls .

Pro version only : You people calls automatically after contacts can set up , and they will be stored in the cloud .

Click Here:Download For Google Play store
Click Here:Download For Google Play store


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